Nick Straniere

Role: Lead vocals, Keyboard, Keytar, Guitar, Rhythm and Dance

Nick began his musical adventures at the age of seven when his parents signed him up for knowing everything lessons. This is where Nick learned everything about music and threw it out the window. Now, on an endless quest to destroy anyone who dares practice the sin of auditory arts, Nick is determined to make every show THE LAST. If youre reading this, its too late.

Frank Krungus

Role: Bass? Honestly couldnt tell ya

Frank is an apparition. Often going by the moniker “Deep Note”, Frank doesnt believe in time or space, only bass. For further inquiries, dont.

Chris Guzman

Role: Drums, Percussion

A seasoned expert in the ancient art of banging, Chris Guzman is the player of all things drum and percussion. Chris started playing drums in 2009, and joined Pastel in April 2017. He has played over 4,875 gigs with anyone that offers to feed him. Chris’ musical inspirations include Mike Portnoy, The Mars Volta, System of a Down, and Snoop Dogg. In his downtime, he enjoys collecting old video games and consoles, staring at his collection of typewriters, Intense sensual drumming, cooking, and lying about his musical experience to get free food.

Patrick Granton

Role: Guitar

A seasoned veteran of the illustrious Staten Island Cover Band Circuit, or SICBC for short, Pat is a silver haired man of mystery. After staring directly into the Ark of the Covenant and surviving, Pat gained infinite knowledge about guitar. While only ever choosing to show a fraction of his power, Pat blows minds with his incredible techniques, being cited in Guitar World Monthly as “please stop contacting us”!!

Former Members

Kevin Ryan – Drums
Dave Harris – Drums
Matt Burns – Guitar
Johnny Viola – Guitar
Niall Sullivan – Bass
Sonic the Hedgehog – Guitar